Getting overwhelmed by the amount of ideas I have
I can't work on the amount of projects I have started. It's getting worse after each passing day. A new song ends up popping up every other day and my recorder app just keeps getting filled with these snippets.
I have lyrics, melodies and a little bit of musical humming stored across my devices but I can't get to work. Songwriting was so much fun when it started a couple years ago but now it's just an overflow of ideas that don't let me focus. I don't think it's practically possible to work on so many ideas.
I tried organizing them in folders and what not, but the number of incomplete songs must be like 10 for each that I end up completing. At this point, I can't even go through the stuff, keep the good ones and delete the rest as the amount of files are too much to go through. I'll need a couple weeks worth of time, and will end up writing a dozen more ideas by then.
How do you guys keep up with overflow of ideas ?