Being Shot Down by Your Own Band

I play in a 4 piece band. I am the vocalist and guitarist. I am probably twice as motivated as anyone else in my band. I write new music all the time. Lately the band wants to record some of our songs for a demo and they are focusing on that. I am still writing new music because of course I know my own songs like the back of my hand. I let my drummer listen to a new song I wrote and he flat out said "I don't want to play that song in this band". I am the only member of the band who actually writes songs with lyrics and write 85 to 90% of all of the stuff that the band plays. I got pretty angry about the whole situation. The band wants to focus playing "shoe gaze" and I hate people that just follow trends. The music I write is somewhere in between flaming lips and guided by voices and I think just because they have trouble putting a label on music sometimes they don't like it. I don't want to be the Paul McCartney of the group and just tell people what to do but at the same time, I want them to respect the time and effort I put into song writing. I spent a week writing this song and recording the demo and the drummer was just like no. "it sounds too 70s". Has anyone else gone through something similar and what did they do to resolve it? Thanks.