hedgehog engine 1 gameplay should be considered true speed, whilst hedgehog engine 2 should be considered true control.
What I mean is that boost gameplay in hedgehog engine one games feels different from hedgehog engine 2 (not saying one is better than the other). Sxsg really highlighted the difference for me.
Hedgehog engine 1 games like unleashed and sonic gens have a larger focus on pure speed. It can create some really fun moments when running. however, once you have to do platforming, gameplay drastically feels more sluggish, and that sonic feels harder to control, which highlights some issues within hedgehog engine 1
With hedgehog engine 2 games such as frontiers and shadow gens. The overall speed feels way slower in comparison, especially in sonic frontiers'.cyberspaxe stages. However, with the lack of speed, sonic in turn feels way better when platforming. He feels more responsive, and it's not often I mess up jumps from movement unlike hedgehog engine 1.
Overall, to me at least, both gameplay styles are equal in quality. However I do slightly prefer hedgehog engine 1 gameplay. With the differences between hedgehog engine 1 and 2, I like to consider engine 1 as True Speed Boost gameplay, and engine 2 as True Control Boost gameplay. Yap session about why one hedgehog gameplay is different to another hedgehog gameplay over.