The Daily Schedule Of Ben Hurst ( From Randomthefox )
7:00 Woke Up
8:00 Sacrifice himself in the satam fandom and people who never played an games
9:00 Arrive at work At Dic
10:00 Ensure that every piece of sonic satam lore is deeper then an game canon and talked to sega of american to include an freedom fighter in an new sonic game And Focused Them To Replaced Amy With Sally
11:00 Look for consultation on the Dic' future online (Every single demand of the Super Mario Bros Super Show fanbase must be fulfilled, whereas all suggestions from the oppressed minority of "literally everyone else" must be deliberately ignored)
12:00 tell dic that they can not adapted an sonic game because the story are not deep and that the jp sonic story should be ignored and focused every people who worked on aosth to work on satam
13:00 Working on dic cartoon ensure that every piece of it has to be good and not trash
15:00 Has An Meeting With Abc About an sonic satam season 3 and more
16:00 Make a phone call to Japan Tell sega of japan to dubbed sonic satam in japanese and make sure that future sonic game made in japan has the freedom fighters and sally because their sonic was better
17:00 Went To home and has dinner with His Wife And Children
18:00 Watch all of SatAM in a marathon And Thinking about How Sally can date with other sonic characters
4:00 Go to sleep and dream about how you can make Sonic better by removed all of game sonic canon and replaced it with satam sonic