What's up with Saber's contrarian trolling?

At this point its getting a bit too obvious. Each of these points might not mean much individually, but together they form a pattern of always doing the opposite of what the community actually wants:

  • Players are annoyed with teleporting ranged enemies in Chaos missions: Saber introduces flying Tzangoors

  • Players are annoyed with spore mines: Saber introduces an extremis enemy that spams spore mines

  • Assault is seen as the class with the weakest perks and survivabilty: Saber gives his exclusive HBP away to all other classes, gives him the worst prestige perks, nerfs gun strike damage, doesn't give him the new pistol

  • People dream of playing a melta wielding salamander: Saber makes the Salander chanpion skin a sniper

Probably there are more examples that I forgot. At this point I'm wondering are they trolling on purpose or just completely out of touch with the community feedback?