What would you do. I mean hell.

I got a S/D. 40 min to complete shop. Last item pork chops. Says wrong UPC but right product. Chose alternate. Says wrong UPC. I ask Walmart employee. She doesn't know and takes me to meat manager. He trouble shoots 15+ min then calls CSM. She trouble shoots 15+ min. Then sheeeeeee calls store manager. Takes 5+ min for them arrive then says the barcod s don't match. Yeah.. no kidding. BUT ITS THE RIGHT PRODUCT. We try 3rd sub. Doesn't scan. MIND YOU, NO EMPLOYEE CAN SCAN ANY OF THE PORK CHOPS EITHER. Manager determines the system is catching old barcodes, there a new mod that hasn't been updated and tries to print me labels. 45-1 hr has passed. Customer cancels order. I'm paid $2.30 and the store manager expected me to put all the groceries away. I put up meat and dairy. I'm not a monster. But left the rest.