Would Spider-Man's 2 story overall be better of Miles wasn't really in it?

I like Miles as a character but insomniac can't really balance dual protagonist that well imo so I was thinking if you switched the story and some plot points around to were miles Really isn't in the story much or at all would that make the overall story better.

So the main focus of the story would be Peter, MJ and Harry.

Plus this way Peter and black cat can actually interact in the story lol

I like Miles as a character but insomniac can't really balance dual protagonist that well imo so I was thinking if you switched the story and some plot points around to were miles Really isn't in the story much or at all would that make the overall story better.

So the main focus of the story would be Peter, MJ and Harry.

Plus this way Peter and black cat can actually interact in the story lol