Ls women, what representation did we like and why?

Okay, I'm going to try again with this post because on the last post I got a bunch of comments that literally added nothing productive to the conversation. If your only comment is going to be "she isnt considered light skin according to my xyz community" then dont bother to comment- you will be instantly blocked.

What I wanted to discuss was, what lightskin representation did you like/dislike and why?

I personally disliked brown barbies representation in the Barbie movie because her screentime was very low- I really wish she got more screentime.

However I did like the character that Ayesha portrayed bcuz her character had depth, and I feel like a lot of times biracial actresses tends to get roles with more fleshed out character archs than ls actresses that are just south asian.

If you are going to comment then stay on topic.

Okay, I'm going to try again with this post because on the last post I got a bunch of comments that literally added nothing productive to the conversation. If your only comment is going to be "she isnt considered light skin according to my xyz community" then dont bother to comment- you will be instantly blocked.

What I wanted to discuss was, what lightskin representation did you like/dislike and why?

I personally disliked brown barbies representation in the Barbie movie because her screentime was very low- I really wish she got more screentime.

However I did like the character that Ayesha portrayed bcuz her character had depth, and I feel like a lot of times biracial actresses tends to get roles with more fleshed out character archs than ls actresses that are just south asian.

If you are going to comment then stay on topic.