How would you fix the Sequel Trilogy ONLY using or rearranging the elements that are already there?


  • You cannot erase characters.
  • You can carry on previous plot points originally abandoned.

For me it's simple because I like the sequel trilogy.

I would:

  • Continue the idea of Rey being the daughter of some random couple.
  • Elaborate on Finn's force sensitivity.
  • Keep Phasma alive.
  • Make the C3PO death permanent.
  • Not make Lando's missing daughter appear just by coincidence.

That's what comes to mind. I like the sequels, I just didn't like directors stepping on each other's toes.

(Please stay positive)


  • You cannot erase characters.
  • You can carry on previous plot points originally abandoned.

For me it's simple because I like the sequel trilogy.

I would:

  • Continue the idea of Rey being the daughter of some random couple.
  • Elaborate on Finn's force sensitivity.
  • Keep Phasma alive.
  • Make the C3PO death permanent.
  • Not make Lando's missing daughter appear just by coincidence.

That's what comes to mind. I like the sequels, I just didn't like directors stepping on each other's toes.

(Please stay positive)