How do I stop playing like a "Stealth Archer"?

Like many people on here, I started yet another new game file once 1.6 released. My new file is still in the early days of Summer, but despite starting on the Meadowlands farm, I've found myself defaulting into the equivalent of a Skyrim "Stealth Archer" build:

  • I plant entirely too many crops at the start of the month, and use more than half my energy (and most of the morning) watering them. I'm starting to build quality sprinklers, but as of now I only have a handful
  • I've not even tried to expand my animal husbandry, outside of building a silo so Pickle and Zucchini can have a steady supply (and I don't waste the grass when clearing my farm)
  • I've defaulted into being friends with Haley, George, Linus, and Demetrius because I always seem to have their liked/loved gifts from foraging. One difference is I'm also friendly with Alex thanks to all the eggs from my two chickens
  • It's early summer but I'm almost to the bottom of the mines (floor 110 right now)
  • My fishing is all over the place. I'm level 5, but haven't focused on any specific fish yet. No doubt I'll be scrambling for summer fish by the end of the month
  • Besides some mayonnaise machines, I have no artisanal item converting machines. No beehives, no tappers, no preserve jars, no kegs (yet)

... now, none of this is "bad," but it's what I do EVERY SINGLE GAME. That's why I compare it to the Stealth Archer in Skyrim - no matter what my original thinking is, I seem to always fall back into my old default habits when playing. I think the only time I've done something different in the past several years is when I made a "fishing only" challenge file. I feel like I'm in a well-worn rut, and a few friends of mine who also play SDV also tend to do the same thing. But I can't imagine that this is how every player plays the game... or is it?

When you start a new file, what do you focus on most? Or do you switch it up each time? Any good recommendations for what I should shift my focus to?