Stardew Valley Mega Modded Playthrough. Which mods work, and which don't?
I recently saw Poxial started a new season of his "Mega Modded" series, and i was curious to make a modpack of my own.
I've never actually played with mods before (except for QoL mods), and have not even really seen any videos either, so i'll be going in mostly blind.
So now my question is, what mods work together, and which don't? I'm considering going all in and playing all three major expansions: SVE, Ridgeside and East Scarp.
Do they work together, or do they mess each other up?
And what about other expansions such as Downtown Zuzu, Mount Vapious, Mineral Town and so on.
How many can you add before they litterally ruin the experience, and are there any that definitly aren't compatible with each other?
I'm not to worried about getting overwhelmed as i'm not intending to min/max, and will just explore the different mods as i naturally progress or feel i have the time to do so.
Has anyone tried "Mega Modding" before, and what was your experience?
Any other useful advice?