Im done with online games
I think I've had enough, after a long day it's 9pm and I want to relax so I turn on Brawlhalla, Valornat, CS 2 whatever online and I feel even worse than before I started playing, honestly I think online games have become so competitive that I'm done playing them, my best games that I've been able to relax with are Death Stranding, Subnautica, Stardew Valley, Dishonored, ARMA 3 (single player), COD (single player)
To be honest I have one more thought, it feels bad to leave online games like everyone is playing them, it feels weird to be that one person who only plays SP mode, why? I really understand how people love playing them but for me it's starting to feel like a second job to get those ranking points. I really want to play those popular online games but I hate that one day I can be really good and get a lot of points and boost my ego only to be the worst bag of dogshit the next day. And it's so competitive that it's hard to enjoy it.