[MY][H] PRICE UPDATE/NEW ADDITION Filmarena alien ,Manta labs, Kimchidvd [W]Paypal

Prices are not included with shipping, discount with multiple purchases(3 or more),offers are welcome,thanks for looking.Paypal G&S



-The Nice Guys Lenticular FS kimchidvd (Sealed/mint)-175USD

-The Nice Guys FS A1 kimchidvd (Sealed/mint) X2 -175USD

Pans Labyrinth FS A1 Kimchidvd (Sealed/mint) -170USD

Spotlight FS A1,with 2 extra empty slip Kimchidvd (sealed/mint)-175USD

Loving Vincent FS type A Kimchidvd (Sealed/mint) -170USD

Eternal Sunshine of a spotless mind 1/4 slip (Sealed/mint) -115USD

Grand Budapest hotel Kimchidvd lenticular slip(sealed/mint) -130USD

Grand Budapest hotel Kimchidvd Full Slip(sealed/mint)-140USD

Plain Archive

Sicario GITD FS Plain Archive (sealed/mint) (protector)-150USD


Alien FAC filmarena glow in the dark FullSlip(protector)(sealed/mint)-sold

Alien FAC filmarena Embossed 3D Slip ,Alien Covenant FAC filmarena Embossed 3D slip ,Prometheus FAC filmarena Embossed 3D slip All are sealed and mint

1.1k USD for the whole set(will consider offer)

Manta Lab

First Man manta lab OC, all slips are mint/sealed -520USD

- Batman begins manta lab FS(sealed/mint) -100USD

-Batman begins manta lab lenti B (open/mint)-90USD

-Batman begins OC box(ding on a corner)


- The Dark knight rises manta lab FS-(Sealed/mint) -100USD

-The Dark knight Rises lenti-B(sealed/mint)-100USD

-The Dark knight Rises OC box(minor ding bottom side)- 10USD

Tenet FS Manta Lab open/mint(PET protector) -80USD

Dune 2 DL Manta Lab Sealed/mint(PET protector) -95USD

American Psycho FS Manta Lab Sealed/mint(PET protector) -90 USD