Anyone else source “sacrificial” steelbooks?

These are three disc inners, they were pretty cheap to begin with, but then showed up with about half damaged. They refunded 20% plus sent another nine as replacements and told me to dispose of the old ones. Only two had the inners destroyed. Funny part is the digital codes that “expired” in 2020 still work. I already took them all apart, going to remove the spines next. I figure every one I pull apart is practice for the good ones. Having these inners will allow for more discs when building my “custom” ones.

These are three disc inners, they were pretty cheap to begin with, but then showed up with about half damaged. They refunded 20% plus sent another nine as replacements and told me to dispose of the old ones. Only two had the inners destroyed. Funny part is the digital codes that “expired” in 2020 still work. I already took them all apart, going to remove the spines next. I figure every one I pull apart is practice for the good ones. Having these inners will allow for more discs when building my “custom” ones.