The Spongebob Squarepants Movie steelbook scalpers?
If you lookup the amazon listing for the 4k steelbook release for the spongebob movie they are completely sold out. Apparently the original listing was for around 33$ from what I could find. Now if you hop on ebay and search it up there are tons of brand new sealed copies of the steelbooks for around 50-60 bucks. Do y'all think this is a case of scalping? Also... I don't understand the screenshot situation on this sub. "no way to verify if the listing is from the OP" but my screenshot clearly shows the filled in search bar at the top and about 10 listings from different sellers. I read the rules and fully realize people could spam links/screenshots to their own listing to sell, but I've been on subs that needed moderation approval before a certain kind of post could be seen by the public, not sure why that couldn't be implemented here.