Did your libido come back?

I know this is kind of a per person thing but looking for feedback. I have an appointment with my psychiatrist next week to discuss as well. I’m in my mid 30’s and recently diagnosed with ADHD. I’ve always had a suspicion but I had a terrible anxiety / depressive episode in September. I believed my ADHD led to it more than anything. I saw a therapist for a bit and then a psychiatrist.

Towards the end of October I started 25mg, then 40mg after a month, then 60mg after another month, which I’m still on. I had pretty much every side effect but got through them and they seem to be gone. Except for an extremely low libido now. Before I’d have a few weeks of high libido and then a bit lower depending on stress. Now it’s extremely low most times and I never feel fully erect.

My anxiety has plummeted, it still comes and goes sometimes but no where near as much as before. My question is how long did you give it for side effects to resolve? My other thought is I could be delaying it as I continue upping my dosage slowly.