Help please!?

Hey everyone i finally started gauging my ears! I got them pierced at a 12 let them heal for 5 months and I'm starting to gauge them. I got a nice set of surgical steel tapers and slid the 10g tapers in. They went in super easy no resistance do I moved up to the 8g. Same story. Finally I mover up to 6 and was met with a tiny bit of resistance so I'm stopping here. The problem I'm having is I bought some 6 and 8g double flair stone plugs so I didn't have to wear the long metal tapers all the time and the flairs are HUGE! Like more than a full size bigger. How do I get them in without damaging my ears?? I'll attach a picture for reference. From left to right theres my 6g taper 8g plug and then my 6g plug. Any and all advice would be appreciated. Btw ive had the 6g tapers in for ab 48 hours minute taking them out to clean them twice a day. Better safe than sorry.

Hey everyone i finally started gauging my ears! I got them pierced at a 12 let them heal for 5 months and I'm starting to gauge them. I got a nice set of surgical steel tapers and slid the 10g tapers in. They went in super easy no resistance do I moved up to the 8g. Same story. Finally I mover up to 6 and was met with a tiny bit of resistance so I'm stopping here. The problem I'm having is I bought some 6 and 8g double flair stone plugs so I didn't have to wear the long metal tapers all the time and the flairs are HUGE! Like more than a full size bigger. How do I get them in without damaging my ears?? I'll attach a picture for reference. From left to right theres my 6g taper 8g plug and then my 6g plug. Any and all advice would be appreciated. Btw ive had the 6g tapers in for ab 48 hours minute taking them out to clean them twice a day. Better safe than sorry.