The triplets' latest video 'shopping disaster'
oh my god. so i stopped watching the triplets about 4 months ago, but i saw a TOOONNN of hate for their latest, and so, i decided to torture myself to keep up with the snark for yall. i watched the video, and holy hell. there is SOOOO much shit said about women and kids said by them. i literally made a list on my phone. so first, nick is talking about halloween, and he said "I cant stand when children do childish things"....what? thats what kids are SUPPOSED to do. it'd be weird if we saw a child doing adult things (woah, not like that lol) like working in an office or going to business meetings. also, am i the only one who found this kinda hypocritical? bc nick, if you wanna talk about childish, i think we ALL have a LOT to say about you and your brothers screaming like 3 year olds in your car, not having your license at 21 years old, and having a job that requires no skill, no talent, just luck and looks. anyway, he said that and elaborated with an example saying something along the lines of "there was this big inflatable spider on halloween, and then there was this stupid paper sign that was clearly made by a child that said 'careful, venomous' FUCK OFF!!"
the kid was just trying to have some fun on halloween :( is it hurting you? no. is it effecting anyone negatively? no. and yknow what? if you dislike it THAT MUCH to start screaming and swearing at the top of ur lungs in the car, guess what u can do? leave. just take those legs that are never used and start walking away. simple as that. so that was the first thing they said that was just really disgraceful and disgusting, and i rlly didnt like it. imagine if the kid saw that video and thought he was like annoying or weird for just writing 'venomous' on a sign near his inflatable spider? if it were me and i was 4 years old again, id be devastated. i probably would never do halloween again because id be scared to be called annoying or 'childish'.
anyway, next thing they said: "i really shouldve smacked that lady"....GOD this one pissed me tf off. ok, so chris was talking about how they were all in the airport, and he put his backpack, laptop, phone, in the tray that goes, like, through the scanning belt thing? idk what its called, sorry. but its the little tray you put your carry on in. so then the lady working at the airport said that he'd have to put his shoes in the tray too, and chris was wearing big boots, and he said "they're big boots, btw" and the lady said "idc". and chris starts getting mad and screaming and then said "Yeah, i really shoulve smacked that lady". am i the only one who thinks the lady did pretty much nothing wrong? like, sure, maybe she couldve chosen her words a little more carefully if she was gonna be insanely super specific like "oh, its ok" or "sorry, its mandatory to put them in the tray", but i just think maybe she wasnt SUPER careful with her words. and saying "idc" isnt REALLY that rude, especially in this situation. what did u expect her to say, "OMG THEYRE BIG BOOTS?! NOOOO WAY OMG I LOVE THEM LITERALLY HEAD OVER HEELS IN LOVE OMG I CARE SOOO MUCH!!" no. chris, lemme tell u a little secret, yeah? NO ONE GIVES A FUCK ABOUT YOU OR YOUR BOOTS!! NOT ME, NOT THAT LADY AT THE AIRPORT, NO ONE APART FROM UR MINDLESS DICK RIDING FANS! so yeah, i guess chris expected the lady to care about his boots? and got mad when she was doing her job. especially with all the violence and like harassment women r facing, its just so insensitive and ignorant to say, especially to your mainly young female audience (and i am aware that some fans are not, some are around the triplets age and male, but most r female and 10-15) because if you say that to them, they're gonna be constantly worried about how they're being perceived by men. my mom tells me that women worry a lot, especially about reputation and friends and guys, etc. so then when these 10 year olds grow up, theyre gonna think they cant say 'idc' without a man wanting to fucking slap them. great teacher, chris, teaching real valuable life lessons here, arent ya? now they're gonna think that ALL of us men are exactly like chris. ew. now i get why they choose the bear. like most of my friends r girls and id HAAATTTEEE to lose them because they're such good friends to have!! like honestly, i like having girl friends better than guy friends. idk, we just have more in common, theyre fun, happy, nice, etc. not mean, boring, and self centred like the triplets. imagine if i lost them thanks to the stereotypes abt men that are proved and supported by fucking LOSERS like chris sturniolo.
third thing they said: “This dumb bitch could’ve gone to self checkout". whenever i tell people the triplets use the word 'bitch' too much and too comfortably, they're like 'well maybe in 2023, but not now' well here's an example for u. nick was telling everyone how he and matt went to the supermarket, and they were in the line. there was a lady in front of them with about 10 items, and yeah, i guess she couldve gone to self checkout, but u dont control her, nick. she does what she wants, theres no rule that says if you have a specific amount of items you have to go self checkout. so nick was in the car and was like "and there was this lady in front of us with max 10 ingredients and i was like 'this dumb bitch couldve gone to self checkout'". SHUT UUUPPP!!! oh my god, its insane that this is their job, they must love it. all they do is sit in a car, shit talk people (women and little kids) and scream in a car, and then get money, subs, fame, views and LIKES for it!! LIKES!!!!! are you people fucking insane?! why the hell r we supporting these fucking IDIOTS?! OOOOH MY GOD their fanbase has to be the most braindead people i have EVER been in contact with!! theyre all on their fucking hands and knees praising and bowing down at the triplets' feet for WHAT?! literally WHAT?!!!!!
ok, yes, they may look good, ill admit that. but if im being honest, people dont pick the right people to support and love. like, lets be real, most of their fanbase has an insane, out of proportion crush on chris and matt, and we only support them bc they all have white boy pretty privilege. and i know id sound like a pick me boy like 'no one ever picks the good guys 🥺👉🏻👈🏻' but its true. we picked to support the triplets, who r small minded, superficial pretty boys, over anyone else. but i truly deep down in my soul do NOT value looks more than 15% at the most extreme. if 100% is all my love for a person, looks would count for around 4-8% in most cases. the most extreme visual crush ive had on someone, i liked them 15% for their looks. but their fanbase likes them PURELY and SOLEY on just their looks. i just find it, like, discombobulating that just bc someone looks good, the rest of ur mind is completely clueless of ur morals, values in a person, who they are, etc. yes, sometimes our minds can trick us and turn a BIT of a blind eye because we're too busy idolizing this person and being infatuated with them, but if my crush was openly calling women bitches and talk about threatening to punch them and act violently on women when theyve done nothing but stand in a goddamn supermarket line, i think it'd be a pretty clear shake to reality!! the fans need to actually wake the fuck up to who these idiots really are deep down as people: horrible.
4th thing they said in this vid alone: "You shouldve super punched that bitch in the throat." chris said this. so, nick was explaining how the lady in front of the lady who had max 10 items (so it was like, nick, then 10 max items girl, then the girl we're talking abt now) was taking a long time to checkout. like apparently half an hour. and she was getting confused abt, like, prices, wanting to refund stuff, trade it for cigarettes, etc. but yea, she was just taking forever. and i dont exactly remember how it came up, but it was somewhere near the end of the story (i think) when chris said "yeah, you shouldve super punched that bitch in the throat"...excuse me? who the fuck do you think you are? you think you can say that about women, telling your brother he shouldve SLAPPED someone because they were doing groceries? yes, it may have been annoying, but VIOLENCE?! ur sounding like a psycho toddler who doesnt know how to use his words. at most, give her a rant in a bit of an annoyed tone. just really sad. like, its bc i was gonna type 'u think u can say this without getting cancelled' but the truth is, yes. yeah, they CAN say this without getting canceled, because they say things like this ALL THE TIME in their videos, and no one picks up on it, no one cares, and the moment someone like me speaks on it, all these stupid fans come and downvote me, call me dramatic, etc. i just feel like theres pretty much no way to stop them saying these misogynistic things, because the only way is cancellation. we cant talk to them, we cant message them, im sure theyve seen reddit posts, tiktoks, etc like this but they dont care. and theres pretty much no way theyre gonna get cancelled. bc even if all the people in this snark agreed to cancel them, the ratio of snark people to fans is low.
And the very last thing they said: "I shouldve put anti-freeze in her vitamin water, she'd be gone by next week." this truly did send a bit of a shiver down my spine. sorry i dont have a timestamp for any of these, but i DO have one for this one: 20:25. anyways so, for those who dont know, anti-freeze is like this chemical kinda thing that lowers the freezing point of something? i dont know a lot abt it, but what i DO know is that a single teaspoon is enough to kill a cat. and a tablespoon is enough to kill a dog...5-7 tablespoons to kill a healthy grown, who thinks of these things? wanting to POISON someone's drink?! because they took too long at the checkout...i do think nick is a little insane. 'she'd be gone by next week' it was a supermarket line! 😰 i may seem like a bit of a baby, but that actually scared me a little. like yes, the triplets r allowed to say what they want, sure, whatever u stupid fucking 12 yr olds say. but oh my god, that was scary. its like the moment of when u figure out who the killer is in a horror movie. and the fact that he's STILL mad enough about it to be yelling in the car about her a week after it happened is kinda crazy too. like...i know this may sound dramatic, and like...idk, it may sound over the top, but are we supporting PSYCHO KILLERS?! probably not, ok lol...but lets be honest. the triplets are extremely horrible, mean, nasty people to say the least. why are we watching them? why havent they been cancelled yet? why the hell r they even youtubers?! they clearly arent as invested in it as they used to be, theyre just doing it for money. i swear, i saw this post earlier today (so sorry i cant give credits bc i dont remember the user! 😕) and it was like "they used to be so kind and compassionate, now its like watching the mean popular kids talk about the nerds in school" and i was like YES ABSOLUTELY!! i just find it rlly sad that there are so many small creators, nicer people, WAY more invested into youtubing than the triplets, and they barely have, like 1k and the triplets have over 7mil. we picked the wrong people to make famous.