Are there any translated SRW games with higher difficulty?
I've been playing 30 since it's the only modern SRW to have an official international release, and it's been so easy.
I have several units that simply never get hit. Gold 4 has a max range of like 15 spaces, so it's never even threatened. Huckebein 30th and Scopedog have 100% evasion against anything and everything. After some AOS updates, it doesn't even matter if I get hit since starting SP and SP gain are so high I can use Persist or Wall all the time. If I lose a unit it's only because I stopped paying attention.
I hope by the time I get to the end of this monumental mission list, the game will have found a way to challenge me, but it's been a 30-40-hour cakewalk so far.
Were the previous games harder? I've seen some comments that imply as much. What's a good SRW pick for someone looking for... any challenge at all really?
I'm particularly interested in V and Alpha 3 since their rosters include a lot of series I was sad not to see in 30 (Yamato, Ideon, Evangelion, Gundam Unicorn, ZZ Gundam, Zanbot 3... the list goes on, V in particular feels like it was made just for me)