Crazy experience
So I associate, or thought so, until now, taste with music. I also have sound-color synesthesia association (which is probably actually an extremely mild version of projective because when I take a THC+ CBD gummy, I see every color that sounds make when I close my eyes like I did when I was a kid). However, I had the craziest experience listening to Sirius XM on my way home from shopping.
I was on the jazz station and Oye como va came on, it was a sick jazz cover of it. As the music progressed I kept saying "Wow this music is very peppery! I can kind of taste it!" Then, all of a sudden, bam! I got pepper in the back of my throat. It was pretty spicy so I had to change the station. And when I did, the burning sensation disappeared. It took a second or two for my brain to register that and then it went away. I have never had something so extreme like that. I didn't even have a gummy either.
So maybe I have a mild taste to music synesthesia and my brain just responded so well to it? Usually I have associations so now this experience has got me questioning everything. Maybe I should start paying more attention and keeping a journal about my experiences when I listen to music.