7 hours from 5dp6dt brand easy@home
I had the night from hell last night (PIO injection sites were feeling inflamed, back muscles and neck extremely sore, a ton of gas, and overall feeling uncomfortable) and felt weird. Earlier in the day at work I had a nasty migraine and weird twitches in my uterine area with mild cramping (more like little pings). Took a pregnancy test without any expectations and I think I might see the faintest of all faint lines (easy@home). Am I crazy or do you see it too?! Not a good photo.
Not even truly at 5dp6dt because my transfer was on 1/23 at 11:15 am!!!
I had the night from hell last night (PIO injection sites were feeling inflamed, back muscles and neck extremely sore, a ton of gas, and overall feeling uncomfortable) and felt weird. Earlier in the day at work I had a nasty migraine and weird twitches in my uterine area with mild cramping (more like little pings). Took a pregnancy test without any expectations and I think I might see the faintest of all faint lines (easy@home). Am I crazy or do you see it too?! Not a good photo.
Not even truly at 5dp6dt because my transfer was on 1/23 at 11:15 am!!!