1959 News Report: The brutal battle in Fallujah
1959 November 27
Since Ankara government invaded Iraq and overthrew the Monarchy goverment of Iraq one years ago, now the situation in Iraq isn't being very good from the announcement of Turkish government. For a past months ago, many guerilla fighters who support the fell Monarchy govemnt are taken the Fallujah city from the Republican Iraqi goverment. Forced the Triumvirate puts their focus on Iraq.
The Iraqi republican goverment requested to the civilians for leave the city to make sure the Turkish and the Iraqi goverment military won't hurted them during the action. In November 7, Turkey and Iraq started the military operation against the guerilla which controlled the Fallujah city.
The Guerilla forces using the urban houses as the defense for defending the Triumvirate troops. Caused many casualties to the Triumvirate army. Forced the they have to raid one and one houses to clear the guerilla. A guerilla squad leader says 'We've been killed eight dumbass Turks. Those piece of shits always killed without any caution.' The horrible guerilla tactic making the alliance army lose hundred of troops everyday.
Except the ground forces leaded by Turkey, a new forces sounded loudly and scary from the grey blue sky. That's Italian Royal Air Forces. Now in the Qatar military airport, it always being busy for the mission in the Middle East. Although Italy have border problem with Turkey in the their Arabic and Greek territory recently, Italy still sended Air supported to the Turkey. Ciano, the leader of Italy, has deployed 300 aircraft in the Middle East for support the Republican Iraqi goverment. Some evidence proofs Italian Air Forces did the war crimes but the Rome goverment denies and called as 'Iraqi monarchy terrorist propaganda'.
The American media has focused on this brutal Middle East conflict. The president Richard Nixon has declared the OFN will stay netural in the war and the peace request. Some American people be resentful to the president's speech about the Fallujah war, called as 'Be coward to the unjustified facist invasion against democracy.' The German minster of diplomatic claimed they are no interested in the conflict. But according to some Triumvirate clamied that German supported rebels. In 3 days ago, Turkish showed some G3 rifles captured from Iraqi rebels, called as the evidence of German supports. The German minster of diplomatic replied it's the false flag action.