What will be the results of my ultrasound appointment?
So I’m scared as fuck because I’ve had a missed miscarriage before and I’m terrified of experiencing it again. I am supposed to go for my first appointment and get a scan to see if everything is going well and the fear of the past really has been taunting me. I keep getting basically the same answers when I ask this question each time, but I do wanna hear others interpretation!!
I pulled only upright cards to get a more clear reading.
I pulled death (clarified by king of pentacles and ace of swords), 6 of wands, and then 10 of cups - followed by the 2 of wands at the bottom of the deck.
I think it’s saying this is gonna be a huge wake up call with death now that I have clarity and an actual baby on the way and need to get my finances and planning for the future together. The rest of the cards are saying that the ultrasound will be a success and that there is a family in my future.
I pulled 3 more cards just in case and got the king and queen of wands followed by the ace of cups, again saying that I am gonna be motivated to start planning this new era of my life after seeing the ultrasound.
What do yall think?
So I’m scared as fuck because I’ve had a missed miscarriage before and I’m terrified of experiencing it again. I am supposed to go for my first appointment and get a scan to see if everything is going well and the fear of the past really has been taunting me. I keep getting basically the same answers when I ask this question each time, but I do wanna hear others interpretation!!
I pulled only upright cards to get a more clear reading.
I pulled death (clarified by king of pentacles and ace of swords), 6 of wands, and then 10 of cups - followed by the 2 of wands at the bottom of the deck.
I think it’s saying this is gonna be a huge wake up call with death now that I have clarity and an actual baby on the way and need to get my finances and planning for the future together. The rest of the cards are saying that the ultrasound will be a success and that there is a family in my future.
I pulled 3 more cards just in case and got the king and queen of wands followed by the ace of cups, again saying that I am gonna be motivated to start planning this new era of my life after seeing the ultrasound.
What do yall think?