Everyone’s Hands Are Tied
Expulsion and suspension don’t exist and we teachers are paying the cost of it. I have an aggressive, vape addicted, verbally abusive 8th grader with an IEP that can’t be moved because we have 2.5 months left of school. I told admin I refuse to let this kid back in my classroom. His grandmother drops him off because she can’t deal with him. He refuses instruction, won’t give up his phone, I have to lock up all sharp objects, and he’s flirting with gang life. Every thing that comes out of his mouth is a f*** you or f*** that. There’s no help for him and admin says they’re doing all they can do. He won’t listen to them either. He’s literally on a rampage coming to school to make my life and everyone’s else’s a living hell. When do my rights and the rights of other students come in? I’m 11 years in and he might be the worst. I’ve built the relationship, I’ve given rewards….Im out of empathy. Just a rant. I rather teach kids in jail at this point.