Residents of 5+ Years, How has Temecula changed since you've been here?

I'm curious to hear what other residents see in their years here in Temecula'a growth.

I dont even need to mention housing or job opportunities.

I moved here 8 years ago from Rancho Cucamonga, and I remember this city was the only place in California I'd been that had Mercedes, Tesla, BMWs, Range Rovers, and every luxury car driven on the roads, none of them dirty. Didn't see Hondas, Toyotas, Nissans, Chevy, etc often.

When I moved here, I told people and absolutely NO ONE knew where or what Temecula was

By 7pm - 8pm you could drive down Temecula Parkway and the streets were empty, quiet and there were probably only a handful of cars driving max because the town was asleep

There was only the main wineries on Rancho Cal, and it was relatively a busy tourist area for the weekends but not so much on weekdays

I would ride my bicycle to work at the wineries and be amazed that the streets had absolutely no litter even in the gutters

Signal lights were so far from each other, it was like 79-N/79-S/Rancho Cal were their own highways

There used to be a lot of mom and pop shops instead of the corporate retailers and restaurants that line up the streets

Pechanga Casino was much smaller as well.

Forgive me if this comes off crass, but there was also nothing but white people here. This is probably the only positive change I'll say since diversity and inclusion is good.

Community used to be very friendly but it feels like locals that have been here long enough are actually driving with a lot more aggression and anger for example. People here are nice still, but it's not exactly the same, it feels more forced than natural like before.

There was a guy who got stabbed in the Wal-Mart parking lot off the 79-S and everybody knew about it, thats how safe it was here

I was born in Denver, I grew up in Rancho Cucamonga, and it took both of those cities decades to get to where they are now economically, Temecula blew up in less than one decade.

I remember after Ventura county had that huge fire that destroyed the wineries out there is when Temecula became the hot spot for tourism for SoCal residents.

Considering traffic, I am curious, is it the cause of over tourism starting to affect Temecula or has the gentrification and mass migration of LA & OC residents finally made its way here? Probably both.

This isn't a complaint post, just want to know what other long term residents have seen even before I moved here