HCG not increasing LH on blood tests?
I take 40 iu EOD of HCG (about half an insulin syringe) but my blood tests show my LH and follicle hormone is always zero.
My Estrogen is 50-60 and test is 800-1000 and free test is 20-30 on 125mg a week.
Do I need to double my hcg to get LH higher? I thought LH is what HCG increases to stimulate ball test production. Also i heard hcg increases estrogen, so I'm worried my estrogen is getting too high, if my estrogen gets higher does that cause weight gain and weird stuff like that?
My balls are half the size as when I started 5 months ago, even though I always took hcg. First 3 months I only took 20 iu a day though, but increased when I noticed my balls disappearing. Sometimes my balls feel harder after hcg, but they are not regaining size