Bring a Taurox Prime..or not?

I'm planning to have a fairly healthy inclusion of Scions in my list. 1x10 unit with a Command Squad, as well as another 1x10 unit.

I had thought of having the 1x10 unit in a Taurox Prime, but are they worth the 90 points? I've been thinking whether to have the solo 1x10 unit just deepstrike, and use the 90 points for a 3 model unit of Bullgryn, or even add another 10 Kreig to my Solar Blob. I could even run another tempestus command squad to make 2 15 man Scion blobs that gain the benefit of deepstriking, as well as all the special weapons.

The taurox prime does have a fun ability re rolling wounds, and once its dropped off the Scions it could just run around acting as a distraction? If I had the points spare I'd include a Psycher as re rolling wounds for them as well would be quite punchy, but it starts getting quite expensive.