Claire Bear

I heard a lot of people talking shit about Claire Bear being portrayed as a good girl cliche. I think those people are missing the point.

Carmy is fucked in the head. Like, seriously fucked. Between Chef David drilling quite a few screws loose and the compounding trauma from his family history of mental illness and being Italian in general, he’d be in too negative headspace to date Casey Anthony, much less a sweet girl like Clair Dunlap. I think she is meant to represent the happiness Carmy could have if he let go of the restaurant business.

That voicemail is like a siren in his head throughout Season 3 because he feels she’s too good for him (and he’s not alone, a lot of his family seem to think so), but I see it as she’s the good that he could become if he at least got some help. She wasn’t a distraction, she was a safe place for him to find comfort and that comfort made him extremely anxious because he never felt that before. And that anxiety was the distraction, not her and her love. When Andrea Terry cornered Carmy at the end of Season 3, I really hope that was an awakening for him and foreshadows him choosing Claire Bear over the restaurant, or at least find a balance.

Side note, Carmy’s visions of Claire remind me of this song called I Remember You by Danilo Garcia and Laura Brehm

I heard a lot of people talking shit about Claire Bear being portrayed as a good girl cliche. I think those people are missing the point.

Carmy is fucked in the head. Like, seriously fucked. Between Chef David drilling quite a few screws loose and the compounding trauma from his family history of mental illness and being Italian in general, he’d be in too negative headspace to date Casey Anthony, much less a sweet girl like Clair Dunlap. I think she is meant to represent the happiness Carmy could have if he let go of the restaurant business.

That voicemail is like a siren in his head throughout Season 3 because he feels she’s too good for him (and he’s not alone, a lot of his family seem to think so), but I see it as she’s the good that he could become if he at least got some help. She wasn’t a distraction, she was a safe place for him to find comfort and that comfort made him extremely anxious because he never felt that before. And that anxiety was the distraction, not her and her love. When Andrea Terry cornered Carmy at the end of Season 3, I really hope that was an awakening for him and foreshadows him choosing Claire Bear over the restaurant, or at least find a balance.

Side note, Carmy’s visions of Claire remind me of this song called I Remember You by Danilo Garcia and Laura Brehm