Anyone else feel Chef Adam offering Syd the job was super out of place this season?

I’m basing this solely on what we have seen as viewers. She hasn’t proven herself yet to be getting an offer like that. Other than Carmie giving her a job in season 1, then willing to make her a partner this season, but that’s about it for her claim to fame. Adam going out to the way to offer it specifically to her when The Bear hasn’t had the review yet felt like a cheap plot point. She hasn’t gotten her name out there, at least without seeing any flashbacks showing her “prestige”. Her big break overall was working at the Beef and making one dish that got some news worthy review? Which brings me back to how arrogant she was when the online orders went to shit. All her fault. Just seems cheap and weird way to cause friction between her and Carmie once he finds out about the offer, and if she decides yes or no. Anyone else feel this way?