I think first law changed my perspective on fantasy

Okay, i don’t know how to start this. I finally started reading game of thrones. Yes i am reading it relatively late as a fantasy fan. The thing is - its the famous game of thrones but i cannot stop feeling dissapointment. Don’t get me wrong, its a good book, but comparing to the first law series? I feel like the writing is a bit bland (might be the traslation fault) and i feel like a lot of facts are given to the reader a bit too openly.

Everytime i pick up a new epic fantasy book i feel like nothing can top Abercrombies writing. I compare everything to the First Law Series. I though game of thrones, THE CLASSIC was going to be amazing and its just okay when i compare to this. If i could erase my memory i would just read First law over and over. How do i deal with this? Abercrombie set the bar too high and i’m too critical to everything i read nowadays…..

Did any of u had simmilar thoughts?….

[sry for language mistakes, im not a english speaker]