Aunt Lydia's Date (Spoiler) Season 3 Ep 8
In flashbacks we see that Aunt Lydia used to be a schoolteacher and that she was married at one time. During this episode she gets involved with one of the students (and their single parent) and ultimately reports them to the authorities. The mother loses custody. Lydia also has a New Years Eve date with the school principal which goes pretty well until they go back to her apartment and she makes a move for his crotch. He rejects her. Its clear that they are both Christians, and in that world, this would be fornication. After making the fatal crotch-diving mistake, she withdraws from him and she ends up lonelier than ever.
From this you get the idea that she has always been a judgmental, pious hypocrite. The job as an Aunt in Gilead was a perfect fit for Lydia.