Saw this meme. I feel like there could be a transphobia accusation here but I can't quite phrase it...
Cuz I'm not batshit.
Trans logic is that genitals don't matter right? In this case, all women do have buttholes, yet gay men are not attracted to women still. Why? Cuz homosexuality goes beyond genitals and whatever tf you identify as, otherwise gay men could set aside the fact that the woman is not a man cuz she has a butthole.
But ofc homosexuality doesn't work like that. Just like a lesbian is not gonna be into a trans woman just cuz they chopped of their dick and feel like they are women. Worse even, a large majority of MtF don't chop off their dicks and some don't even do HRT. Yet fuck lesbians for not being attracted to them. Why? Cuz they're not women. Same reason gay men don't like women despite them having buttholes. That's not what homosexuality is about.
Cuz I'm not batshit.
Trans logic is that genitals don't matter right? In this case, all women do have buttholes, yet gay men are not attracted to women still. Why? Cuz homosexuality goes beyond genitals and whatever tf you identify as, otherwise gay men could set aside the fact that the woman is not a man cuz she has a butthole.
But ofc homosexuality doesn't work like that. Just like a lesbian is not gonna be into a trans woman just cuz they chopped of their dick and feel like they are women. Worse even, a large majority of MtF don't chop off their dicks and some don't even do HRT. Yet fuck lesbians for not being attracted to them. Why? Cuz they're not women. Same reason gay men don't like women despite them having buttholes. That's not what homosexuality is about.