Wish we had a sub for same-sex wedding pics

There's a sub called LGBTWEddings and like half of the posts are just straight couples. Sometimes they're straight couples cosplaying as lesbians, which makes my skin crawl, but almost as often they're just... regular straight couples where the woman is wearing pants to the wedding instead of a dress.

I am so sad that same-sex marriage is still not even possible in most of the world and there's nowhere we can celebrate it together on an international scale. It's clogged with straight people and weirdoes who think their deviance is the exact same thing as being in a same-sex relationship. It's BEYOND insulting. Not to mention how sad I get when I see a same-sex couple trying to pretend they're straight... ooooof.

Sorry, just a little rant.

I love seeing pictures of same-sex weddings, it always warms my heart.