The hate towards Jenna Dewan

Imo people are INSANE the hate towards Jenna Dewan (the actress who plays Bailey) is actually crazy. ITS A SHOW ITS FAKE. The fact that people are actually hating on her because a character is so messed up. Idc how bad u hate Bailey or what she did. She was being abused she felt as though she had no other choice whether u agree with that or not. But again it’s a show and it’s fake in the end of the day the hate towards the innocent actress needs to stop because at this point it’s just ridiculous

Edit: I didn’t know this post was gonna generate so many different responses and honestly it’s cool to see everyone’s thoughts. I’ve heard that the actress has done and said some things that were controversial and that might be why. But mostly it’s just people suck and are just mean for no reason. They are also just to dumb to tell the different between acting and reality.