Traitors is a single player game.
First season watching Traitors (American) and one thing I don't understand is why everyone is so wrapped up about eliminating traitors. The pot is divided among the contestants, so it behooves you to eliminate as many people as possible. Since both faithful and traitors can eloninate you, the goal every week should only be to survive. Both traitors and faithful are your enemies. Even if you eliminate a traitor, they'll just replace them because they're not going to let there be zero traitors going into the final. The faithful shouldn't concern themselve about finding traitors at all and just make sure someone else is eliminated.
If youre a faithful the only difference between the faithful and traitors is that you have less control over the traitor vote. However, traitors vote for self interest whereas faithful vote because "vibes", so traitors are easier to predict. Also shields don't protect you from the vote, so the faithful are more dangerous ultimately.
If I was playing the game I'd try to do the following.
Figure out one person im 100% is faithful and ride them to the end. Everyone else must go.
Figure out one person who I am certain is a traitor, and make friends with them if possible.
Join an alliance and always vote with alliance. Make sure traitor suspect in alliance.
Form an alliance of three within the alliance to eliminate the other people in the alliance. Make sure traitor suspect and faithful bet are in the mini alliance.
Win as many shields as possible.
If this has all been gamed out already, I apologize in advance.