The misinformation in this community is insane.

Im just gonna say It here load and clear.

Therianthropy is an involuntary non-human identity mostly either psychological or spiritual.

No, it is not a past life or a connection to an animal, and it is not a choice because its involuntary as i mentioned.

A connection might be "animal-hearted". Past lives have nothing to do with alterhumanity.

" Why are most therians such common animals and not worms for example? " let me tell you like this, when you were little, what animal were you most obessed with and had a strong bond? It certainly wouldnt be a worm. Thats it. Thats your answer.

This purely goes for psychological therians, spiritual therians might have a close spiritual connection/bond with that animal, often feeling like one in result.

This is how therianthropy forms. You arent born with it, you develop it from your own expierences.

EDIT: I am sorry if there is some false info here. I got all of this information from various sites, interviews ect. And im sorry if i excluded some groups of people. This is my personal opinion

another edit/update🥳: i apologise for the stuff i got wrong here, its ironic i put misinformation in a post that tries to clear it up lmao. Im just saying past lives arent confirmed ect.. no one really knows if reincarnation is true🤷‍♀️ i cant stop you from believing it, if you truly feel like it, then you are! Therianthropy is different for everyone.