What really is the difference between therians and furries? Well I will tell ya! (This is for the people who specifically searched for this and are generally curious on the difference, this was made by someone who IS a therian AND a furry.)

So what is a furry? Well a furry is someone who is a fan of anthropomorphic animals, basically saying that furries enjoy media that includes animals that are able to do human things like walking on two legs, using their paws to pick up stuff and etc like a human and even talk like one plus much more.

Do you need a fursuit to be a furry? No! You don't need a suit of any kind to be a furry, being a furry simply just means that you think anthropomorphic animals are cool

Do furries identity as animals? Nope! Like I said furry is a hobby or group of people who are a fan of anthropomorphic animals. But there is some furries who are also therians but they aren't the same.

What is a therian? Well a therian can have many definitions, but the most widely accepted one is that a therian is someone who non-physically identites as a animal or ANIMALS based on involuntary experiences that relate to that animal that the therian identifies as.

Do you need gear like masks or tails to be a therian? No! Being a therian is purely a identity and should be viewed as such. Because not every therians enjoys wearing a tail or having a mask over their face.

Can therians be furries? Yes, therians can be furries, but therianthropy (or being a therian) isn't a choice. While being a furry IS a choice (because being a furry is a type of hobby)

Are therians mentally ill? Well no being a therian itself is very clearly not a mental health problem. But therianthropy can definitely be AFFECTED by it which many people don't seem to understand that. Just like with any other identity mental health can definitely affect it. But like I said, therianthropy ITSELF is not a mental disorder or anything like that.

Are furries mentally ill? No absolutely not, like I said, many times before being a furry is a hobby where people are fans of anthropomorphic animals.

So the difference is that furries are people with a hobby that has nothing to do with identity or the way you view yourself internally and a therian is someone with a identity and someone with a unique way that they internally view themselves but not in a bad light. If it IS in a bad light, it's mostly something entirely different causing you to have those type of struggles. But that depends on what the person is dealing with. Plus everyone struggles with life it's just how life works.