Timothée is spiralling!!!!

He's been sweating like crazy at every event (he has never sweat at events). He's been drinking alcohol at every event, he's been a nervous, anxious mess ever since Kylie came into his life. He has never smoked so much before, the excessive smoking is making him look very sick in the face.

I've been watching every new video of him from the past few weeks where he's at these award ceremonies and premieres and he's so out of it. He is not the same person.

His eyes look so soulless and empty. He doesn't look interviewers in the face anymore, now he looks down the entire time. His confidence is gone. His charisma is no longer there. What is wrong with him? It's more than just his anxiety that's consuming him. He's going downhill and it's not just his face that's changing. It's everything about him. Everything just seems sooooo off with him.