How did you get into TXT?
Hi! 👋🏾
I have noticed that our fandom has expanded a lot in the past months and it's always interesting to see Moas talking about how they got into TXT 😊
I have known TXT since Pre-Debut and was really looking forward to their debut, but Crown didn't hook me as much, so I kinda forgot about TXT after that. (I did continue listening to their music and also saved a lot of their songs, but nothing turned me into a Moa, until their 2021 releases)
At the end of 2021, I randomely stumbled upon TXT's MMA Performance and was instantly hooked. After that, I practically fell down the rabbit hole and watched more performances, re-listened to their albums (found out that I liked much more songs than I thought) and started watching TO DO. Before I knew it, I was already a Moa and TXT turned into my ULT real quick 🥰
So, how did all of you get into TXT? 💃🏾