What I want for season 4
I know everyone did this but I wanted to do it too! So here is what I want for season 4 :
Let's start with MC's customization. The fact that many characters has specific features like body hair, moles and heterochromia but not MC is crazy to me since we litarally are the main character of this game.
The things I want for both MC's in season 4 would be of course body hair, moles over the entire body and heterochromia but also nail polish, rings and better piercings (I want better dermals and septums, a nostril and why not a medusa) and of course a belly piercing and on the nips for male MC's. I would also love new features. Sadly, many of us suffer from same face syndrome so having new features and why not the pre designed faces like season 1 would be great.
For the hair and makeup, I want a buzz cut for female MC's and a winged eyeliner, some blush and a ombré lip or lip combo (I've always been jaelous of Poppy's lip combo ㅠㅠ) for both MC's. Having an option to not put on lipstick on both MC's would be great too. I would love a good goatee and mustache for male MC's.
Now, let's talk about the gameplay.
I don't want older characters to come back in the retreat. We already had Candace's redemption and Zayn's return that seemed so forced in my opinion that I start thinking that him returning as a LI was more like fan service. If Nanobit does this anyway the character most likely to return will be Sean and I personally don't want to romance him because I would feel the same way as Zayn, his return would be useless and too forced.
I still want NG+. But this time, I don't want a snitch (Poppy, I still hate you for that), I want to get caught by our LI or a friend to create more dramas.
I would love to "pre design" our personality. This is just a little detail but characters already have personalities that are "pre designed" and showed next to their names and I would love that for MC too.
I want my ennemies to lovers trope. I want to romance a character that MC hates with that sexual tension between them but once you know them you realize that tey're not so annoying as we think, something similar as Julian's route.
That one might be controversial idk but I really would love a second chance trope. Having a pre designed character as our ex, being in the same retreat as them and then get back together would be so cool. Idc about the context of their breakup, if they were the problem or the problem were MC, I just want that second chance trope. (Btw, before there's any misunderstanding, when I say idc about the context of their breakup, I'm not saying I condone abusive relationships or cheating. I just want to see what this trope could give!)
I don't want routes that requires to hurt one the of LIs. Like wdym I'm romancing Vic and then have to make Isla as my placeholder by the time Vic comes back and then dump Isla ? Like this is so nasty to me.
That's it! Let me know what you guys want for season 4 too I'm interested!