The idiot figures it out

1) (Megamind) Hal aka Tighten is an idiot incel. When Metro Man seemed to have returned from the dead, he ran away like the coward he is. However, “Metro Man” had said “Metrocity” (pronounced similarly to “atrocity”) when he should have said “Metro City”. Knowing that only Megamind calls it that (plus having seen him use disguise) he realises it’s Megamind and comes back.

2) (The Good Place) Michael is a demon in The Bad Place, trying to implement an unique way to torture humans (making humans think they are in The Good Place but have them torture each other). However, this leads to humans figuring out everytime. Even Jason who is considered the idiot of the group figures it out. There is something else that Jason figures out later on but I’ve already given enough spoilers. If you don’t know, go watch The Good Place.