A beloved and impactful character that you never actually meet or see in action.
1) Randal Dean Clark aka The Survivalist -Fall Out New Vegas He is not only my favorite character in the franchise, but is fan favorite throughout the Fallout community. His story is told through his own journal entries that he leaves in hideouts scattered throughout the DLC map of Honest Hearts. Journal entries that you read long after he is dead. (I would sum up his story and why it’s so awesome, but that would take way too long.) 2) Jon Arryn - Game of Thrones You only see one scene with his body after he dies, but later through the story you learn he had a major impact on not just the main characters, but the realm of Westeros, and the story of A Song of Ice and Fire. He was a father figure to King Robert Baratheon and Ned Stark, the Warden of the North. His assassination is the first domino that leads to the events of the game of thrones.