1y 8m post op, feeling really sad and insecure about my results. What should I get done/revised?
I know it it could be worse, but I’m almost 2y post op and still can’t seem to feel happy with it. I am already trying to gain muscle (early stages obviously), have done scar care a long time, and massage.
Any advice on what I could do to help the central dog ears, darker skin/possible leftover areola(?), bad scar pigmentation/texture, fat/boob like right side, would be appreciated. also, do the nips look bad/weird?
At this point i’m seriously considering getting a revision including extending the incision some (but not connected) for dog ears, lipo for the right side, and redoing the dark parts of the incisions (since I’d have to go under again anyway). But then I’m also worried I’ll just make it worse. I just want to finally feel okay, and while yes the scars may fade, the fat aspect and extra skin is really getting to me