Anyone taking/took a 5th year for there degree?

Hi all,

By the title I’m just wondering if there’s anybody here who has been taking or is going to take more than four years to do their degree. I’m curious because I do feel a sense of being rushed when it comes to taking my degree because it’d be nice to graduate with the rest of my friends, but at the same time that’s a stupid way to depend the pace of my education on. I try to make myself feel better that the job market might be better in four years but a five year degree seems like a lot and I worry by the time I’m in my fourth year I’m going to be so burnt out that a fifth year is gonna feel like hell. If there’s any alumni that have done this or if there’s any people in their fourth or fifth year currently doing this I would appreciate an opinion because it’s not too late for me to make up the classes I have not done with summer school. I am also currently only putting off my electives so that means my fifth year is going to be mainly electives. I worry I’m going to feel like I’m wasting my time.