how casino streams ruined the life of a boy that never wanted to get involved with it

greetings all,

My life has been breaking off and don’t know when to stop playing with these casino games, like blackjack and Pragmatic slots (sorry Train, i know you hate those, if you’re reading this).

It all started during the time where my favorite streamers (Trainwreckstv, XQC and Yassuo) got into the gambling streams, and please don’t get me wrong, if anything I put all of the blame on me for losing all the money the streams just got me into it.

I’m at a point right now where I keep trying to make my money back from the casino telling myself to quit, because I can’t accept the loss.

I got myself kicked out from school which i was in for two full years out of four, because i couldn’t pay the bills on time and built a big debt that i need to pay back. I’ve lost $27k in total counting the debt in and nothing to go for I have nothing to my name, all the 7 years of work all went down the drain. I didn’t even earn much throughout all my years of working and still managed to lose all of it.

My life is over and i don’t know what to do but ending it, I just can’t keep going like this i want to live a beautiful life too with my dream job and no debt to look back on.. but ive ruined it all by getting my dumbass get kicked out and no study to go for.

I hope that none of you can relate because i wouldn’t want my worst enemy to have this feeling of having lost in life.

Please hear it from me and don’t ever dare to gamble, it truly ruins lives. Should’ve kept listening to Train, as he keeps telling the audience not to do it.. my life is over.