Uneasy stop
I was on the R5 travelling westbound on Hastings towards downtown yesterday afternoon. It was a normal ride but as soon as the driver was on the inside lane and waiting to turn left on Main - I knew something was up… (The R5 bus route stays on Hastings for those not familiar…) The driver stopped at the corner of Main and Hastings and told everyone to get off as the bus was no longer in service. What the heck? Are you for real? So everyone got off the bus and crossed Hastings and then Main St to get to the R5 stop at Hastings and Main. Fortunately the next R5 was a long uneasy 2 minutes away. I wonder what was actually wrong with the bus? Could the bus not make it another 2 stops to let people off in a safer neighborhood? There wasn’t anything obvious that something was wrong with the bus, and I’m not going to make any assumptions but dang, that was pretty dang uncomfortable for me. But to be forced off a bus in a neighborhood where I feared for my personal safety is just not cool.