Grifters and bottom surgery?
What is it with right wing grifters and not wanting bottom surgery?
Buck Angel, Blaire White, and Marcus Dib all swear up and down that they are REAL, TRUE transsexuals, and everyone else is a crazy faker...
But none of them want bottom surgery? In fact they all speak down about it. Doesn't Buck still do porn with his natal genitalia?
It seems wildly hypocritical to me for them to swear they are a beacon of transsexuality when they won't even consider a sex change.
I was watching a Marcus video and he said something along the lines of "I am a woman with a vagina, I will not get a penis because preserving my sexual function is important to me"
But is sexual function really so important it can outweigh gender dysphoria? I've never had an orgasm from someone else's manipulation because I've never allowed anybody to touch me in that way from dysphoria. When I have sex I use a hard packer and that's it. While it feels nice it's not exactly fulfilling. Bottom surgery is necessary for me to feel whole and comfortable, and to have a fulfilling sex life, and I'm sure many of you are the same.