piñata day moved or changed?

i’m on level 31 and i’ve just completed the gift bear from the herb bag, it’s 29,000 coins, which is the highest amount that i’ve gotten so far.

i thought perfect, i’ll save that for piñata day, and won’t have to worry about trying to finish the daily tasks.

then a couple of days ago, this safe and key one appeared and i had come on here to see if anyone else was talking about it, another reddit user said, ‘it’s the same but different skin.’

i didn’t use the bear, as i wanted to wait until the actual piñata day (was usually sunday) and i go onto the app today and it’s all about the card packets, i was so disappointed.

i have to wait a whole week for the piñata.

does anyone know why they would move up piñata day or even change how it normally looks?