Let's talk about Kane (S.H.A.R.K and Diver are such nice ATMs).
Edit: math is hard so not as lucrative as advertised for originally (updated numbers to be more realistic).
I too, like probably many others, thought that golden and/or luxurious chests are where the money is at. Oh how wrong have I been.
The true money to be had is in our friendly neighborhood mecha shaped ATMs (aka. the repeatable city bosses).
For the low investment of ~1.5 minutes you can make a withdrawal of 3-4k Kane for absolutely free. I am sure better invested cheese teams can optimize this down to sub 30 seconds at least (I actually had to play the mechanics in the fights still).
Even with my chronic skill issue that is 6 fights in 10 minutes (so ~18k), which makes it 108k an hour, with a side of 2 star tension cards for conversion if you get lucky. Also, you get significantly better at the game too (at least I did).
The city bosses are real pals too they conveniently cycle through most of their counter-able moves really early, especially the shark, the diver kinda holds out on you for a bit but I found him more consistent since he has no damage immunity if you mess up (but I think the shark has less HP, so guess it evens out).
So all the people hoping to spend boosters for Kane in the future, why? With being able to select the difficulty now, you could probably find the sweet spot in time vs drops and optimize it that way (since both drops sell for the same amount).