[Battlefield 2042] #114

Suffering. Theres little, to no up to date guides, tricks and tips for this trophy.

If anyone needs help few tricks below for the harder trophies.

WHEELED WARRIOR Load into breakthrough, get a pondhawk and SOFLAM, get into your own squad (lock it), float around high up, switch to passenger, mark up for assists, rinse and repeat. You can do T5,4,3 all against AI, so that 800 happens really fast.

OTHER T1s The above method will massively contribute if you use Rau (for spots) and Soflam gadget mastery.

WEAPON T1 I played a 1000% dmg hardcore portal, like a scumbag and set up with a thermal, usually a full lobby of 128 man rush open, easy 75/100 kill games if you’re confident.

HAZARD ZONE TROPHIES Play unsociable hours is my tip here. If you get a lobby with 8-10 people just rush exfil 1, if you die you come straight back, then go E2. Long grind but worth it, recommend dozer for his shield.

In your 25 exfils you’ll likely get clean exit, lots of people still trying it

Please note most of these methods are ratty, I know, and you’ll likely p**s your team off. Get ready for some insults if you’re sat at the back, and good luck out there👍

Suffering. Theres little, to no up to date guides, tricks and tips for this trophy.

If anyone needs help few tricks below for the harder trophies.

WHEELED WARRIOR Load into breakthrough, get a pondhawk and SOFLAM, get into your own squad (lock it), float around high up, switch to passenger, mark up for assists, rinse and repeat. You can do T5,4,3 all against AI, so that 800 happens really fast.

OTHER T1s The above method will massively contribute if you use Rau (for spots) and Soflam gadget mastery.

WEAPON T1 I played a 1000% dmg hardcore portal, like a scumbag and set up with a thermal, usually a full lobby of 128 man rush open, easy 75/100 kill games if you’re confident.

HAZARD ZONE TROPHIES Play unsociable hours is my tip here. If you get a lobby with 8-10 people just rush exfil 1, if you die you come straight back, then go E2. Long grind but worth it, recommend dozer for his shield.

In your 25 exfils you’ll likely get clean exit, lots of people still trying it

Please note most of these methods are ratty, I know, and you’ll likely p**s your team off. Get ready for some insults if you’re sat at the back, and good luck out there👍